The Dadra and Nagar Haveli Planning and Development Authority (DNHPDA) is a statutory body constituted under Section 20 of the Dadra & Nagar Haveli Town and Country Planning Act, 1974 for the declared planning area of Dadra & Nagar Haveli district under Section 18 of the Act. The vision of DNHPDA is to address the need of a proper institutional setup to carry out the future planning and development of the district. The jurisdiction of the Authority covers an area of 491.00 which comprises of 1 Municipal Council, 6 Census towns and 66 villages (20 Panchayats).

The composition of Dadra and Nagar Haveli Planning and Development Authority is as follows:
1. Shri Priyank Kishore, (Collector, DNH/ Chairman, DNHPDA) Chairman
2. Shri Damjibhai Kurada, President, District Panchayat Member
3. Smt, Rajni Shetty, President, Silvassa Municipal Council Member
4. Shri Arun Gupta,Chief Executive Officer, District Panchayat Member
5. Shri Sangram Shinde, Chief Officer, Silvassa Municipal Council Member
6. Prof. S.A Trivedi (Gujarat Technical University, Gandhinagar) Expert Member
7. Prof. Y.M Desai (IIT Bombay), Mumbai Expert Member
8. Shri Mohit Mishra (Associate Town Planner /Member Secretary, DNHPDA) Member Secretary

The functions of Dadra & Nagar Haveli Planning Development Authority are defined under Section 22 of the Town and Country Planning Act which are stated below.

  • To prepare an Existing Land Use Map;
  • To prepare an Outline Development Plan;
  • To prepare a Comprehensive Development Plan;
  • To prepare and prescribe uses of land within its area;
  • To prepare schemes of development and undertake their implementation;
  • To carry out a survey in the planning area for the preparation of an Outline Development Plan, Comprehensive Development Plan, or Town Planning Scheme;
  • To control the development activities in accordance with the development plan in the planning area;
  • To enter into contracts, agreements, or arrangements with any person or organization as the planning development authority may deem necessary for performing its function;
  • To acquire, hold, manage and dispose of property, movable or immovable, as it may deem necessary;
  • To execute works in connection with the supply of water, disposal of sewerage, and provision of other services and amenities;
  • To prepare various schemes of infrastructure development and undertake their implementation;
  • To prepare development schemes and undertake their implementation, and for these purposes, it may be carried out or cause to be carried out, surveys of the planning area and prepare report or reports of such surveys, and to perform such other functions as may be prescribed.

In addition to the above function, the following specific nature of work is the specific responsibility of the Dadra and Nagar Haveli Planning and Development Authority:

  1. To accord Construction Permission
  2. To accord Occupancy Certificate
  3. To accord Plinth Level Certificate.
  4. To accord Layout approval and its completion certificate.
  5. To accord comments from a planning point of view for various permission such as N.A. use permission, Sub- Division, Layout, Amalgamation etc.
  6. To accord NOC’s for petroleum siting, storage of petroleum products & installation of telecommunication infrastructure.
  7. To regulate unauthorised construction and temporary constructions as per General Development Rules, 2023.

The DNHPDA is also looking after various Planning and Development Projects such as:

  1. Implementation of Town Planning Scheme in the District.
  2. Implementation of Beautification Master Plan for Silvassa and Surrounding area.
  3. Development of Khanvel Riverfront Project at Khanvel, DNH.
  4. Development of Cricket Stadium Phase 2 (allied components along with athletic track, archery and table tennis) at Namo Sports Complex, Sayli, DNH.
  5. Operation and maintenance following civic properties:
    • Auditorium Building, Dokmardi (near Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam College)
    • Kala Kendra Building, Silvassa
    • District Secretariat Building, Silvassa
    • Daman- Ganga Riverfront, Silvassa
    • Vegetable Market, Amli
    • Sky Walk, Silvassa

Office Address:
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Planning and Development Authority
“A Wing” Second Floor, District Secretariat Building, Silvassa. 396 230.
Ph. No. 0260 – 2630147. email: